Creative Potential Restructuring
When all the “self-help” just isn’t enough…
Enlightened CPR is a method that can free us from our past and its recurring effects on our present life experience, making space for Love.
Every session includes:
*Intention setting; general and specific; and designing a plan to align with short and/or long term goals.
*Establishing energetic boundaries.
*Identify and download unmet Spirit-Level and Life needs.
*Replace negative energies and programming with positive potentials.
*Reclaim all missing soul fragments and clear and return all soul fragments of others.
*Clear engram banks of free-floating memories, reducing or eliminating patterns of trauma.
*Cancel and clear all psychic hooks; energetic/emotional attachments that can contribute to fatigue, overwhelming feelings and addictions, or habits of making another’s life more relevant than one’s own.
*Cancel and clear all psychic attacks; negative thought forms, that when left unchecked can wreak havoc on one’s clarity and peace of mind, especially an intuitive or sensitive individual.
*Fetal healing; sending Love to the baby in the womb.
*Broken soul healing; witnessing God’s recreation of one’s soul when the harshness of the world has been too much to cope with. This otherwise occurs when one transitions from physical to nonphysical.
Some sessions may also include:
*Reorientation to self and/or others, towards nurturance and love; mindfulness and 100% presence in body and mind, faith, appreciation and increased capacity for receiving.
*Reorientation to time, which allows one to be fully embodied in the present, rather than living in the past with regrets, guilt and shame, or living an imagined future with fantasies of possible pain or illness that may never come to fruition.
*Integration for growth; addressing what is needed to maintain a high level of functioning for one who’s tendency is to spiral downward after achieving temporary success.
*Reframing problems; helping to discover the opportunities that lie within, thus reducing or eliminating the potential for a victim mentality and replacing it with an empowered state of individual responsibility.
*Identify and learn from positive and negative shadows.
*Identify and perform positive actions; homework for maintenance and/or advancing momentum of congruent behavioral patterns.
*Cancellation, clearing and ultimate rejection of curses and spells.
When the Truth about Love/God precedes all else, or faith prevails, evil has no power. The perception of an opposing force of evil that makes up spells and curses, feeds on hate. It has no power except in the absence of Love.
Our ideal target is to purify all levels of spiritual and soul consciousness beyond their dysfunctional use of creative energy by balancing karma with Truth. This frees us from all that has come before. What remains are the habits, patterns and beliefs we have adopted, conscious and subconscious, and their effects or manifestations, which create what we perceive as our reality.
When we allow, through our humble worship or faith in God, which truly can be expressed as heart-centered living, which contrary to some beliefs can exist amidst a comfortable, prosperous and luxurious lifestyle, we choose Truth above all else. “God is Love. Love is everything. Only Love is real”.
Now only our personal karma remains; cause and effect. Your beliefs create your reality.
Clarity always precedes conscious choice. During times of chaos and crisis, someone always thrives. Let Kelli help you see through the veils of your own illusion and reveal the path of least resistance to your positive potentials…your next best YOU…thriving.
Kelli lives and breathes and believes in one Power, One Intelligence, known by many names, including God; from which comes all answers, all solutions, all healings, all creations. Kelli is conscious of the loving God within us all, and strives to reveal that Truth in every session.
Many Blessings…
Enlightened CPR and all its effects are of a Spirit and energetic nature. It is not meant to replace or interfere with the treatment of licensed medical professionals. Clients are encouraged to continue taking their prescriptions and to consult with their medical professionals. All healing modalities implemented within this process can be used together with any other form of medical, natural or alternative therapy. This is by no means intended to replace licensed medical help.